Do you like going outdoors and being bitten by mosquitoes? Of course not. These pests are the reason that many homeowners stay indoors on beautiful spring, summer, and fall days. If you would like not to be hindered by these local pests, we have some things to consider. Let's explore what you should know to keep your backyard mosquito-free and what pest control in West Palm Beach works best to combat these pests. Reach out to Empire Pest Defense if you want these nasty flies gone immediately. We will send a technician your way with quick working treatments to deal with the mosquitoes on your property.

When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?
Mosquitoes are warm-weather pests. They prefer temperatures that are between 70 and 90 degrees. When it gets cold here in West Palm Beach, and we start to see 60-degree weather, mosquitoes become lethargic. At 50 degrees, they stop functioning altogether and begin to die off. As we head towards summer, more and more of these tiny flies will be active outdoors. If you live near a marsh, swamp, or fresh body of water, you will have much more trouble with mosquitoes as this is where they breed. It is also good to note that these biting bugs are most active during dawn and dusk and slow down a bit during the day, especially when it is extremely hot.
About The Dangerous Diseases Mosquitoes Can Spread
There are many benefits to living in the United States. One big one is that we have access to high-quality medical treatments for mosquito-borne diseases. We also have the CDC, which works hard to address malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus outbreaks, and other diseases that sometimes get past our borders. These illnesses come with many uncomfortable symptoms and can be life-threatening without proper treatment. Even with appropriate treatment, curing a mosquito-spread disease is not cheap. Keeping all of this in mind, you must be cautious while outdoors. One great way to avoid potentially harmful bites is to put in place some form of protective measures to stop mosquitoes on your property.
Proactive Tips To Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Pool
To get rid of mosquitoes in your yard, you have to address factors that draw them in. Prevention mainly involves addressing sources of stagnant water. Here are some proactive tips and tricks to do just that:
- Eliminate pools of standing water after it rains.
- Change the water in ornate pools and bird baths every few days.
- Install fans around covered outdoor lounging areas.
- Make sure your gutters are clear and in good repair.
- Stock larger bodies of water with mosquito fish.
If you are looking for the best way to repel mosquitoes on your property, you need professional mosquito control. We have great options for you at Empire Pest Defense and will be more than happy to service your property.
The Most Effective Way To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Home
There are right and wrong ways to deal with mosquitoes in Florida. If you want complete protection on your West Palm Beach property, we have the right answers at Empire Pest Defense. Let our team visit you to identify where these pests are breeding and lounging around your yard. We will assess the situation and work out a treatment plan to best meet your needs.
Reach out to Empire Pest Defense to discuss home mosquito control options with one of our friendly service representatives. They will answer your questions and schedule an appointment for your property.