You cannot walk ten feet outdoors without seeing ants here in West Palm Beach. These pests are everywhere. They move around constantly while looking for food. Their roaming often leads them to local homes. One of the most common invasive ant species is odorous house ants. We are going to focus on these pests today. Here is what you should know about odorous house ants in West Palm Beach and how to get and keep them out of your home. Reach out to Empire Pest Defense for direct help with an active infestation. We will send a technician your way and show you what quality pest control in West Palm Beach looks like.

How To Identify Odorous House Ants
The odorous house ant gets its name from the strong, rotten coconut-like smell it gives off when crushed. This local insect looks like other common ant species and is 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long with a brown or black body. If you look close enough, however, you will see that odorous house ants have unevenly shaped abdomens. Take time to inspect the ants in your home for these features. If you still can't tell for certain what types of ants you are dealing with, bring in our team for a quick inspection. We can help you understand the risks you face by identifying what species are plaguing you and your family.
Why Odorous House Ants Are Worse Than Other Ants
Odorous house ants live in large nests and are more than small enough to squeeze through tiny gaps, cracks, and openings. Their size makes them more prevalent than many other local species. The good news is that odorous house ants are not as harmful. They can contaminate food but are not known for spreading any type of disease. However, you should never allow them to roam around your home freely. To help you combat infestations, here are some things you should know about DIY and professional ant control.
How To Prevent Odorous House Ant Reinfestation
Keeping ants out of a home is much easier than getting these pests out using conventional ant pest control measures. If you have some time on your hands and are not currently dealing with an active infestation of these tiny insects, here are some tips and tricks to stop these pests from coming indoors:
- Seal gaps, holes, and cracks around your home's exterior.
- Repair damage to windows and doors and make sure to seal them properly.
- Clean, clean, and clean some more.
- Wipe up moisture spills and address factors that might lead to moisture buildup.
- Invest in pest-proof trash cans.
These tips are helpful. They are not, however, a guaranteed solution to odorous house ants. For complete protection, you need ant control services.
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Odorous House Ants?
If you are looking for how to get rid of ants and keep these pests out for good, we would like to offer our assistance. At Empire Pest Defense, we use modern methods and treatments to address pests like ants. Whether you are trying to remove an existing infestation or looking for reliable year-round treatments to protect your living areas, we have what you need here.
Get in touch with our team at Empire Pest Defense to discover what home pest control options we offer and find a treatment time that works best for you and your West Palm Beach home.